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Child Abuse Awareness in Appalachia


by Megan Valandingham

On April 11, 2024, the Campbell County Children's Center, based in Central Appalachia, hosted its fifteenth annual child abuse awareness luncheon. The month of April is recognized by the State of Tennessee as National Child Abuse Awareness Month. Many social work offices and non-profit organizations spread the message through various events, bringing awareness to a heartbreaking epidemic.

About 26.3 million people reside in the Appalachian Region, with an average of 16.3% of the population on the impoverished scale, or 4,286,900 residents of the 26.3 million. And, 35.6% of residents with children have experienced emotional or physical abuse, or 9,599,500 residents.

According to ORISE, a 2018 study determined some of the contributing factors of child abuse within the Appalachian Region. Geographical isolation, lack of community resources, poor caregiver health, lack of educational value, and stigma placed on Appalachian children from regional outsiders.

According to START, A 2015 study says, " Despite a severely limited addiction treatment infrastructure at baseline, children served by START were less likely to experience recurrence of child abuse or neglect within 6 months or re-enter foster care at 12 months compared with a matched control group."

This month's motto is "Child Safety Matters," with blue pinwheels and ribbons as the symbols of child abuse awareness.

"Together, we can move mountains," Melissa Cain said when asked about the theme of the CCCC's luncheon.

So, what are the actions to take to help end child abuse? Reporting a case to (877) 237-0004 in the State of Tennessee, or 800-843-5678 for the national number. Asking the three questions of Who, what, when, and where the abuse happened to and took place before reporting. And supporting your local social services and advocacy centers with helping the victims of abuse.

"There is no excuse for child abuse," Silvano Tomasi.


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